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Project Name: EMPOWERING D2C Brands \ Online Sellers , to increase PRODUCTIVITY & EFFICIENCY with AI-driven Headless eCommerce
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About the team

Devendra Yadav, brings over 19+ years of experience in software development, design, and architecture, having previously held significant roles at global companies like H&M, Walmart, and Expedia. His expertise is crucial in building scalable, fault-tolerant applications that integrate cutting-edge technologies. 


 Co-founder and Sales Head, Prabh Preet Singh Mander, contributes extensive product management experience gained from his time at RateGain and Walmart eCommerce, enhancing our sales strategies and customer engagement processes.   


Co-founder and Product Owner Swati Singh, with her profound understanding of D2C market challenges, brings over 15+ years of experience to ensure that our solutions are finely tuned to the needs of online sellers / D2C Brands.


Is the business powered by AI?

AiCodePRO revolutionizing Online Business experiences and minimizing manual work and Automates with AI

AI is transforming online businesses



Advanced AI automation for product information management.



Reduces manual work and errors associated with product data entry.



Saves time and resources, allowing D2C brands to focus on innovation and growth.





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